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Glimpse of an Amazing Seminar Series 

List of speakers 

This series of speakers have provided us advice and insights for young marketers, such as the importance of perseverance when applying for jobs, the value of seeking feedback, and the benefits of internships or part-time positions to gain experience and build relationships within a desired company. They have also shared personal experiences of rejection and the importance of not letting it discourage or define one's career path. 

From a speaker's experience, it is important to show persistence when applying for jobs, even if you have been rejected before. She recommends following up with the employer to inquire about the status of the role and to express continued interest. The speaker has applied for some roles multiple times before being successful, and notes that timing can also play a significant factor in the hiring process. It is important to be clear on what you want to do and to have a consistent story when applying for jobs, rather than applying for vastly different roles. However, if there are multiple roles that are closely related, it is acceptable to apply to more than one. 

Additionally, the speakers have suggested taking advantage of internships or other opportunities to prove oneself to a desired company. Finally, while rejection can be difficult to accept, it is important to learn from the experience and use it as practice for future interviews. We all can learn a lot from their journey as looking back on her career so far, there are several key lessons that I have learned. First and foremost, I have learned the importance of perseverance. Whether it was getting into Columbia or securing a job in a highly competitive industry, she had to work hard and overcome obstacles to achieve her goals. They have also learned the value of networking and building relationships with people in her industry. Finally, they have come to appreciate the importance of having a diverse skill set and being open to learning new things. This has allowed them to be more adaptable and to take on new challenges as they arise. We can also take a lesson from this to be more adaptable and accept new challenges.

 The speaker's journey can have a significant impact on mine as a young marketer. Firstly, the speaker's emphasis on hard work and perseverance can serve as a reminder that success does not come easily and that it takes time and effort to achieve one's goals. Young marketers can benefit from this message by staying motivated and focused on their goals, even when faced with setbacks or rejection. They even added how we should not take rejection personally. 

 Secondly, the speaker's focus on networking and building relationships can be valuable for young marketers who are just starting out in their careers like me. By actively seeking out opportunities to connect with others in their industry, I can learn from their experiences and gain insights into potential job opportunities. Networking can also help young marketers to build a personal brand and establish a positive reputation within their industry. 

Thirdly, the speaker's emphasis on continuous learning and growth can be a valuable lesson for us. By staying open to new opportunities and experiences, young marketers can expand their skill set and become more adaptable to changing industry trends. Additionally, seeking feedback and learning from mistakes can help young marketers to develop a growth mindset and become more resilient in the face of challenges. She even talks about her journey at Rbc and Google where she is working tirelessly to achieve those goals. Such a journey inspires me to build my career on similar lines as well.

 Overall, this speaker's journey can serve as a source of inspiration and guidance for young marketers like us as we navigate our own career paths. By staying focused, building relationships, and staying open to new opportunities, young marketers can achieve their goals and make a positive impact within their industry.

Another speaker discussed how the rise of digital channels and data-driven decision making has led to significant changes in the field of marketing. The speaker is an experienced marketing professional who is skilled in using data to inform marketing strategies and has a deep understanding of consumer behavior and market trends. She is also skilled in a variety of marketing techniques, such as content marketing, webinars, and events, and has a unique perspective on marketing from her experience in the software industry.

As a Partner and Ecosystem Marketing Director at Vena, Natasha is responsible for developing strategies to drive growth through partnerships and alliances. The lecture emphasized the importance of building a strong ecosystem of third-party vendors, integrators, and other stakeholders in partner marketing, and discussed the value of Chat GPT, an AI powered chatbot that can be used for various marketing purposes. The speaker highlighted the importance of building a strong ecosystem of third-party vendors, integrators, and other stakeholders in partner marketing. They also emphasized the benefits of partner marketing, such as increased reach, reduced costs, improved credibility, access to new markets, and collaboration and innovation. The speaker's experience in digital marketing and demand generation allowed them to track the success of partnerships and ecosystem programs, and use metrics to demonstrate the ROI of marketing campaigns

In addition to partner marketing, the speaker touched on the value of Chat GPT in the marketing toolkit, including content creation, customer service, lead generation, market research, and personalization. They also provided valuable career advice for aspiring marketers, such as having a good understanding of how different functions of marketing work together, being prepared for the challenges of working for a fast-growing company, staying up to date with industry trends, and developing strong relationship building and teamwork skills

The major five key lessons the speakers learned along the way are: 

1) The importance of hard work and grit 

2) The value of networking 

3) The significance of brand and reputation 

4) The power of feedback and learning from mistakes 

 5) The need for continuous growth and evolution. 

Overall, this lecture series are beneficial for us as recent marketing graduates in several ways. First, it highlights the various functions of marketing that are important in today's industry, such as partner marketing, content creation, lead generation, and personalization. By understanding these functions and developing a well-rounded skill set, recent graduates can become more valuable to potential employers.

Additionally, the information emphasizes the importance of building strong relationships, teamwork, and presentation skills, which can help recent graduates become more effective marketers. The tips provided, such as utilizing career centers and connecting with marketing leaders on LinkedIn, can also help recent graduates build a strong professional network and gain valuable experience in the field. As the industry continues to shift towards digital marketing and remote work, recent graduates will need to be adaptable and willing to learn new skills. This includes focusing on digital marketing skills, such as social media marketing, SEO, and data analysis, as well as becoming comfortable with remote work and collaboration. However, these shifts also present new opportunities for recent graduates, such as the potential for more demand for digital marketing specialists and the ability to work with companies and clients from different parts of the world. Lastly, she even talked about building connections on LinkedIn which would ultimately help us in leading up to our dream jobs in the Marketing industry.

After gaining all this knowledge, I was so motivated and thrilled to start my career in Marketing. 

 As a conclusion, we as students can use the information provided to develop a strong foundation in marketing, stay up to date on industry trends, and be prepared to discuss marketing strategies and KPIs during our future job interviews. By applying this knowledge and being willing to adapt to the changing landscape, we can navigate our career paths and find success in the field of marketing.

Few of the takeaways from these seminar series are mentioned below-

  • I have networked with a lot of speakers, connected with all of them on LinkedIn. I am regularly in touch with Sarah spear, Natasha, Ron, Aishwarya and Rob. Their journeys so far have inspired me completely and I wish to work like them in near future. 
  • I am keeping a follow up with their regular events with their current organizations like RBC, WWF, Google and many others. Workshops like resume building, how to prepare for future interviews, working in a corporate space have helped me a lot to develop my profile and a strong foundation step in mag career. 
  • I did join a lot of networking and recruiting groups on LinkedIn and telegram. These groups keep me updated with all sorts of upcoming job opportunities and openings. 
  • Unfortunately, I haven't volunteered so far but i would be really keen to volunteer with Alliance française de Toronto as I am a multilingual candidate with strong international French experience.
  • I started being active on platforms like Glassdoor, Indeed and increased my presence from LinkedIn. They all came up to be really useful as they helped me in landing to the company's website which actually allowed me to get directly in touch with latest openings. It not only helped me in my job hunt for coop opportunities but even helped me becoming more tech savvy and adaptive to the requirements of hiring each time I applied to a new opening. 
  • I am regularly in touch with this professional network of mine. I keep myself updated with all current affairs and keep on posting content on LinkedIn. I reach out to them whenever I post to have their opinions on my pieces. I shall be doing my co-op at Royal Bank of Canada. It shall be a great opportunity for me to kickstart my career in Canadian market.
  • Networking is always an important aspect for hunting new opportunities. I did network with a lot of young professionals who finally helped me to apply down to this posting and it went successful. As I was able to crack the interview. 
  • I can say from my experience that it's always an asset to have a big circle of professionals around you who know how well you're at whatever you do. This network can work as your advocate to speak for our work and strengths.  Thus, it should always be done with a consistent approach to reach bigger heights. 
