
Networking blog

  Glimpse of an Amazing Seminar Series  List of speakers  This series of speakers have provided us advice and insights for young marketers, such as the importance of perseverance when applying for jobs, the value of seeking feedback, and the benefits of internships or part-time positions to gain experience and build relationships within a desired company. They have also shared personal experiences of rejection and the importance of not letting it discourage or define one's career path.  From a speaker's experience, it is important to show persistence when applying for jobs, even if you have been rejected before. She recommends following up with the employer to inquire about the status of the role and to express continued interest. The speaker has applied for some roles multiple times before being successful, and notes that timing can also play a significant factor in the hiring process. It is important to be clear on what you want to do and to have a consistent story when apply


List of speakers 